Monday, April 10, 2006

Law review write on, getting organized and stress headaches

Blurgh! That about covers how I am feeling these days. Exhausted and just blergh. But somehow, some way, I will pull some energy out of my butt and make it through to the end of finals... um, I mean law review write on. Our school does NOT have a grade on option (not that I would necessarily qualify anyway), so we all have to go through the torturous hell that is write on. My one big problem with write on is this is the first thing in law school that I really really want so badly I can taste it. If I don't make it, I will be so disappointed.
No point in worryabout that right now.

Rather, what I should be worrying about is learning the material we are covering in classes this week (oh, and the material I am supposed to have been learning all semester). I've also got moot court this wednesday night. Terrifying. And a paper for my paper as final class that would be ideal if it were in tip top shape by next Tuesday.

To that end, here is my battle plan:
  • No more fun. Not after school. Not at school. It's just for a few weeks. Really, it's time to buckle down.
  • Must go to bed early.
  • Will do all my reading for the week today.
  • Thereafter, commit to 2 major topics each day of a core subject; today will be crim law.
  • Thursday night and Saturday are all paper.
That's all so far. Let's hope it works.

By the way, my frequent updates are in no way related to my desire to procrastinate studying for finals. And if you believe that, I've got a life estate in a bridge in Brooklyn that I would like to sell you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joey, I feel ya. We can't grade on to Law Review either (there's some arcane calculation between grades and the actual writing competition) and I am NOT looking forward to going straight from exams into the competition.

I've found, with the studying, that if I MAKE myself go through a full week of notes at a time, I get a lot more done. Otherwise, I get tired after, like, a section of my notes and just want to crawl under the table.