Tuesday, August 23, 2005

It's different being a mom in law school

Especially when your child gets croup the night before actual classes start. Oy! And DH started his new job that day too... and I realized that I have not set anything up in the event that she is too sick to go to school and neither Dh nor I can take the day off without major repercussions. So, because I am very lucky, mom is flying in. She flies free, so that helps. but we have ot make it through tomorrow. Which is a very good thing. I had a major panic on Monday and really started thinking that dropping out was the only solution. I mean really, I cant miss class for 4 weeks when she gets RSV this winter. But one day at a time, right? Now I'm trying to make a list of people able to babysit, last minute, in the day time, for a sick child. No, I'm not asking too much.

So, in addition to me feeling terrible for the poor little lamb, not getting any sleep at night, etc... I also had the pleasure of being the first person in my Torts class to get called on. Lovely. Let's say that I didn't do spectacularly well, shall we? The one solace that I have in it is that I hope that means it won't be my turn again any time soon. And that really, I have no where to go but up!

I've been working hard to make each minute at school count so that I can be with DD at home while she's still awake and so far it's going. But there is a part of me that worries I'll find it harder to get good grades. I guess we'll see.

And now for something completely different. I really like my writing class. In a really geeky way, I can't help it, but I do. Ask me if I still feel that way in about 2 months when we have a million assignments and I can't keep up with my other classes.

And to look forward to: Wednesday schedule sucks. Hard. I've got 4 of my 5 classes, 3 of which are the core classes on Wednesdays. I'm going virtually nonstop from 9-4. Sigh. Wish me luck tomorrow; I'm going to need it.

1 comment:

Zuska said...

It is very different. But it is also do-able! My "beginning of 1L Disaster" was all about after-school childcare. My Beloved ended up turning down the first job he was offered, rather than me drop out of law school. I remember it as a very stressful time in my life.

I was also worried that the fact that I kept certain hours Sacred for the sake of my daughters (they're 7 and 9) would negatively impact my law school success. At the end of 1L, that was not the case at all. I think in the end, it forces us mommas to be more focused than our party-hardy counterparts.

I wish you the best!