Saturday, September 23, 2006

Doggy paddling

Yup, that's about all I can do at the moment. Being sick really set me back this last week. And while I am digging the oci love I have received, it sure makes getting my law review note and regular course work done in time. I'm living for fall break. Or for next Monday when the note is due. Just to have something off of my plate even for just a few days, would be astronomically helpful.


Oh and a quick follow up to my sickie interview... about 15 minutes into it, the interviewer busts into French. Cwap. Yes, I speak French. Yes, I lived in France for a few years. And yes, I am reasonably comfortable with it. However, I was having a difficult enough time with English that day. Le sigh. I held my own, but seriously. It's not like his firm had an office in Paris.

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