Wednesday, January 24, 2007

An embarrassed investor

Seriously. Every day I go to BusAss, I learn stuff that I think I ought to have known before I became an investor. Like cumulative voting... mind you I don't have enough shares in a company small enough to make that kind of thing work, but still. It's good to know.

I do have a lot of shiny shares from my old Big Corporate Monolith. I'm making it a goal to go to an annual shareholder's meeting sometime in the next 2-3 years. I just think it would be educational (and possibly tasty).

When I really sit back and reflect, it's great that I've been a regular investor since my early twenties. Up until law school, I've always invested the full amount possible in a 401K and I still contribute to an IRA. I didn't sell all my stock after I got it from BCM. I'm actually in a good place. But what doesn't work for me is that I have really no idea what my mutual funds represent or how i would go about selling my BCM stock if I wanted to. Or how about how to sell off my investment in a crappy mutual fund in my rollover IRA and re-invest in something that is better. I am placing an inordinate amount of trust in people that I don't know. To an unacceptable degree.

Any suggestions on how to better educate myself in investing and investment management.

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