Friday, January 19, 2007

slow and steady wins the race

Well, week 2 of this semester is now past, and I really really think it's going to be great. I'm still interested in all of my classes and my first TA session went reasonably well (btw--if anyone has any suggestions of where I can get multiple choice property questions, please do tell). My evidence class is taught by stories. It's awesome. I am so muhc more likely to remember what a rule is when I have some crazy story to go with it. And I was so proud of myself for shouting "Rule 410" at my TV last night while watching Shark. Hooray.

My note is back in. I'm 98% certain that I will not be published again and that I will have to redo my note again in March. Sigh. So it is.

One of our 1L class assholes wants to work at my firm. Um, no. But now I don't have to worry about anyone at the firm asking me about him because he froze on exams. Actually, I don't think he froze, I think he really thought SO much of himself that he just didn't study. I don't understand people like that. I mean one would think that by the time you get to law school at least a handful of people have to have let you know in some persuasive way that you are in fact NOT the most brilliant person on the planet.

I have all but one grade back, and it was the one that I have absolutely no clue what the prof wanted. So who knows how the semester ultimately shook out. So far I'm giving it a "not quite as bad as I thought, but woah nelly, still not so good"

Which is why, I'm back to reading bus assocations.


Anonymous said...

gilberts property has multiple choice.

Anonymous said...

The "questions & answers" series is all multiple choice, and there's one for property that's pretty good.