Saturday, March 18, 2006


So you are won_ering what the hell '_agnabbit" is... well i'll tell you. What things are in common in these wor_s? _ogs, _inner, _elicious, _umb, _amnit... why yes, they are all missing a character at the front of the wor_. That is because... that character is no longer working on my _amn laptop.

Sigh. An_ my warranty plan is only goo_ mon_ay through fri_ay. Snarl! Coul_ this come at a worse time? So, I'm going out to buy a USB keyboar_ so that I can you know, finish the million things that I have to freaking type.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Oh I'm sorry! That sucks!

Once that happened to me and I used cut and paste to insert the letter.